
Discovering and Nurturing Unique Talents 发现和培养独特的人才

At YCIS, we believe in cultivating each student's interests and talents. This is in alignment with our core belief that every child is unique and that their talents should be nurtured to the fullest potential. YCIS Schools offer several programmes such as the artist-in-residence and scientist-in-residence programmes which aid in giving students first-hand experiences in diverse fields and further develop a curiosity to try new activities in them.


Identifying students’ talents and interests

“Instead of molding students into shapes we think are fit for them, it is important to allow them to flourish into the person they are meant to be,” according to Jane Martuneac Kang, Upper Primary Learning and Teaching Coordinator. The Yew Chung (YC) pedagogy, Learning Communities and the relationships teachers develop with individual students collectively enable students’ unique talents and interests to be identified. This may be achieved in the form of daily conversations between teachers and students as a way of ascertaining what each of their interests or academic strengths are. 


小学部高年级教学主管Jane Martuneac Kang女士表示:“不要把学生塑造成我们认为适合他们的样子,重要的是让他们成长为他们本应成为的人。”耀中(YC)的教学方法、学习社区,以及教师与每个学生共同发展的关系,使学生的独特才能和兴趣得以彰显。这可以通过教师和学生之间的日常交流来实现,以确定他们各自的兴趣或学术特长。

Fostering creativity and autonomy

A way we nurture talents is by giving students the autonomy to explore a variety of options in their quest for answers. Finding answers to a question may be complex; also might require different strategies to reach them. Learning Celebrations are a depiction of how when doing a research project, students “might wish to show the final project through a PowerPoint presentation, opt to make an infographic or write a book,” says Jane.


我们培养人才的一种方式是给予学生自主权,让他们在寻求答案的过程中探索各种不同的选择。寻求问题答案的过程可能很复杂,可能需要不同的策略才能实现。学习庆典展示了学生们如何进行一项研究,他们“可能希望通过PowerPoint演示来展示最终设计,或者选择制作信息图表或写一本书,” Jane说道。

To read more about how we uncover students’ interests, click the “Read More” button below.


To register for the ECE Info Session, please click here.


[HOLISTIC EDUCATION] A Unique Holistic Education 独特的全人教育

[LEARNING CELEBRATIONS] Celebration of Learning: Ancient Egyptian Life  学习庆典:古埃及人的生活

[ARTIST] Artist in Residence 驻场艺术家: Dhaneshwar Shah

